2013-05-06. Draft article as PDF. Draft article as Latex. Figures for draft article.
2013-05-14. Manual and examples. ZIP file containing PDF manual, R scripts (Silene2-makebeastxml.r + parts of 'AlloppDT') and example data (4 nex files plus taxa table).
2013-10-26. R scripts used to run simulations for AlloppNET for diploids and allotetraploids.
2013-10-06. Multilocus species delimitation model ('Dissect') in BEAST. Draft 2 of supplementary information
2013-08-29. Example BEAST XML for Dissect.
2013-10-08. Draft Application note (for Bioinformatics): Multilocus species delimitation in BEAST
2013-10-26. R scripts used to run simulations for Dissect.
2013-09-24. Simple population model A multispecies coalescent model with the population parameters integrated out. This descibes the calculations to be done by the software